Cognac VS ( 4 years old )

4 years old : Ideal for cocktails or receipes!

Grape variety :100% Ugni-Blanc

To the eye: straw yellow colour
On the nose: Honey aromas, raisins
On the palate: Unctuous texture on apricot notes

About technics

A to Z homemade “eau-de-vie”: from the vines to the blending, through the distillation with our own charantais copper still.
Distilled with lees to bring complexity and aromatic richness, manual separation of the “second”.
The ageing is processed on our property in french oak barrels of 400L.

Our tips …

Let cognac cocktails charmed you !

The easiest one : ¾ sparkling grapejuice, ¼ cognacVS

Our favorite : Cognac Summit (4cl cognac VS, 6cl lemonade, 4 slices of ginger, 1 lemon zest, 1 cucumber peel, ice)

How to buy ?